I have not heard Scott say this (yet) and I love sports - so several nuggets from your post Brie Anna. Thank you. My leap has been starting a Substack and writing something there every day so far. Thank you for your encouragement and micro steps.

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I'm so glad my post encouraged you!! Taking small steps every day definitely helps and we can adjust as we learn more. I'm working on it, too. It's great to see your posts!!

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Thank you for your help Brie-Anna. It's fascinating to see you and others forging the "micro-step" path ahead. Keep going.

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I love the phrase "The process is the shortcut" (and try to live and operate according to it), for sure, Brie (and write and speak about it often). Keller's "The ONE Thing" alludes to it, but Nic Peterson articulates it exceptionally well in this episode of Jeff Moore's "Preeminence Unleashed" podcast.


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I'll have to take a listen. Thanks!!

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